NYAMBA, I.; NEMBOT, . A. M. W.; SOMBIÉ, B. C.; ZIMÉ-DIAWARA, H. .; YAMÉOGO, B. G. J.; LECHANTEUR, A.; DAMBLON, C.; SEMDÉ, R.; EVRARD, B. Evaluation of the application of polyethylene glycol 8000 as a plasticizer for the development of solid dispersions based on ellagic acid and Eudragit® EPO using hot melt extrusion. Journal Africain de Technologie Pharmaceutique et Biopharmacie (JATPB) , [S. l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 27–42, 2024. DOI: 10.57220/jatpb.v3i1.179. Disponível em: https://soapgi-jatpb.org/index.php/jatpb/article/view/179. Acesso em: 16 sept. 2024.